The national coordinator for Kosovo, Krenare Pireva Nuci met today the scientific secretary for the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosova, prof Myzafere Limani. She briefly presented the PhDICTKES project, coordinated by prof Anita Mirijamdotter from the University of Linnaeus, with the focus on current national PhD school models that are being reshaped during…
Read moreWorkshop on WP 2.3.1 is online
A workshop for policy document for the governance of the National Research School in ICT is being organized online by UP. More than 20 participants from Partner Institutions are taking part in drafting the policy document. The workshop will continue until 15:00. Once the workshop is completed, a draft document will be produced by four…
Read moreThe Advisory Board Meeting was held on 20.04.2021
The advisory board of the PHDICTKES project held its scheduled meeting online today, on 20.04.2021. The following topics were discussed: Sustainability of the project and upcoming EU calls – attached “Western Balkan – call 2021” were discussed in the meeting. It was a joint decision that, based on the willingness from all involved parties in…
Read moreOnline Meeting of the Management Board
On 30.04.2020 an online meeting of the Management Board of the PhDICTKES Project was held. It was chaired by Prof. Anita Mirijamdotter from from Linnaeus University (LNU). Representatives of partner institutions from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), South-East European Research Centre (SEERC), University of Prishtina (UP), UBT College (UBT), Ukshin Hoti University (UHU),…
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