Table of achieved / planned results


Title and reference number of the work package (WP)

Working package 1: Preparation

Identify needs analysis for research school and PhD curriculum


Indicators of achievement and or/performance as indicated in the project proposal

Analysis of existing PhD programmes in Europe

Activities carried out to date to achieve this result:

Activity N°



Start date

End date


Description of the activity carried out

Specific and measurable indicators of achievement


Kick off Meeting




Prishtina, Kosovo @UBT

The project was initiated with Kickoff Meeting hosted by University for Business and Technology, in Prishtina, Kosovo, by 25th of November 2019, where all the partners, including representatives from Ministry of Education, representative of Swedish Embassy in Kosovo, representative of Norway Embassy in Kosovo, rectors of respective HEI institutions, professors and students participated (in total 35 participants) This meeting included the presentation of the detailed project including the financial documentation and reporting requirements. Further the partners presented their institutions and respective capacities. The workshop concluded by establishing the advisory board and management board, as two bodies that will lead the implementation of the project.Partnership agreement will be prepared after receiving the grant agreement. Websites, Trello, Dropbox and Slack will be used as platforms to communicate with the public, and among each other.

Identifying the problems and needs that was raised from Ministry of Education and ICT representatives


A presentation on specifying the operation and management activities was developed.


Each institution proposed their people for specific roles in project and also assigned them as part of management and advisory boards.


A detailed activity-oriented excel report was created and offered to all partners.


Workshop for analysis of existing research centers and PhD programs globally / Industries




Prishtina, Kosovo @UP

The Workshop for analysis of existing research centers and PhD programs globally / Industries” is organized in the University of Prishtina, 6 and 7 of February 2020.

The workshop started with 16 participants from the consortium partners by presenting the initial work from the 1stdeliverable of the project (see Image 2), the Benchmarking of PhDstudies, and we continued with a presentation of PhD Standards from Kosovo accreditation agency. The day concluded with a presentation from the project coordinator regarding the Brussel visit in January, and the presentation of the new logo for our project, which will be used as an identity for presenting our project and also for the website

The second day continued with 23 participants from representatives from industries in Kosovo and consortium partners in order to find possibilities of collaboration for research projects among academia and industry (see Image 3).To conclude, the benchmarking of PhD studies should be generated as a report (1st deliverable), and analyse the PhD standards from Kosovo Accreditation Agency for future PhD Programs. Additionally the Kosovo Universities should establish a strong collaboration with industry by creating clubs, inviting representatives of industries as guest lecture, co-supervising thesis, to name a few

A report was developed as deliverable 1.2 under the name “ Analysis of existing PhD programmes in Europe”.

•Statistics  of research projects in collaboration with HEI and industry



A study visit for analyzing research center in LNU




Vaxjo, Sweden @LNU

The participants visited Vaxjo and Kalmar locations of LNU buildings. The participants visited both campuses of LNU in Vaxjo and Kalmar, and they were introduced with research centers, how the PhD program is running from a number of dimensions (director, administrative, professor, students), the research infrastructure, as well as the schema how LNU is collaborating with Industry in the PhD level.


As an outcome of many discussion that were organized among a number of group of professors, there is proposed also to organise a diaspora conference in the mid-of august, where all professors and industry representatives with albanian origins could meet in Kosova and elaborate the possibilities of upcoming collaboration in University and Industry level.


A workshop for development of Strategy for national research PhD school and PhD program




The project continued with online workshop using the zoom platform, and on 18th of June 2020 SEERC managed to run the activity 1.4, namely the workshop for development of strategy for national research PhD program. The participants were split into three groups, and they worked parallely to generate the second deliverable of the project, namely the Initial Strategy for the national PhD School.


A deliverable is generated as a report under the title “Development of Strategy for national research PhD school“